Monday, November 16, 2009


Hello All! Welcome to Enjoy: Art&Design. I started this blog primarily to expand and share the plethora of art&design resources, latest trends and happenings in the above said industries. A second intention really just unearthed itself - I HAVE A TON OF TALENTED FABULOUS FRIENDS and CO-WORKERS! It is truly amazing the breadth of knowledge, talent and experience they have and there is absolutely no Internet presence, therefore no one knows about them.. so really, I am blogging here, in Houston, TX, to share what talent is out there, locally, but accessible across the globe! I call my blog Enjoy:Art&Design for just this reason. Enjoy life, art, fashion, design, and talent from new places, people and talented resources!

I am just getting started! Please send me an e-mail if you're in Texas/or anywhere and have a great/inspirational/ or just plane cool trend, company, or person you'd like to highlight!

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